Ruberlish :D

May 2020… and lately, I spent loaaaaaaaads of time in my garden. So I decided to take some pics. And more pics. And more. And I am still taking pictures. In case you wanna see – just click here :

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My No 1 ;)

First things first (wink-wink) – To see my first Instagram-post ever – click here or just go to

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Treasury List

One nice feature at is the treasury, a member-curated shopping gallery.

A big thanks to jurooma, Laura D, iziknittings and revera for including me at their treasury list.

Click here for jurooma’s List
here for Laura D’s list,
here for iziknittings list and here for revera’s list.

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CultureCafe Card

Now it’s 15% off on all Radiolisal products for CulureCafe Card holders! Click here to learn more about CultureCafe
and check out its great promotions.

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Radiolisal @ Etsy

Radiolisal goes Etsy!
Yippiyippi click here or visit my Shop and you will be forwarded to

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Atelier Punkt

Some of my handbags are exhibited at the wonderful Atelier Punkt (and would love to see you there – until December 23).

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Click here to find the engagement-session I did with the beautiful couple Dani and Wolfi.

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Cadmium Baloney Concert

I love Cadmium Baloney, they even played at my wedding. To check out their vibrating concert click here, or to visit their website click here.

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Hexes & Ohs for MontrealMusik.TV

Just a click away, you’ll find a clip I did for MontrealMUSIK.TV – featuring the adorable band, Hexes & Ohs.

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Socalled for MontrealMusikTV

Click here to see another little something I did for MontrealMUSIK.TV – presenting the absolutely amazing band Socalled.

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